Osun Sarl
Yes, when you share a video's “Share URL” link, you're taken to a very nice page with Gumlet's video player, and it enhances the video.
However, on some of my videos, I don't want to display the Title in big letters below the video.
I just want the video in the player (without any text). Either for aesthetic or marketing reasons, or I don't want to display the name of my video to those who watch it (because for my training course videos, I put a number in the name of my videos to better classify them in the modules).
So it would be nice, as with other video hosts, to be able to either have a toggle button to display it or not, or another field that allows you to have a title name different from that of the file (which can be empty if you don't want to display anything).
Osun Sarl: Thanks for sharing the details. Our team will review it.